At Ease, Little Soldier

He was almost an oversight. I was waiting for the crosswalk when I glanced at the hydrant at my knees. The angle, at first, made him look like a discarded wad of gum, but then I was reminded of Toy Story, and the little army men, and then I had to snap a photo. I think he makes a very good model.

Little Buddha

My Christian mother gasped at the sight.

“Mom, it’s a symbol of peace besides being a statue of the Buddha!” It was upsetting that she couldn’t see how much love was being displaced by fear.

“Why IS everyone so afraid!?” I couldn’t let it go this time. I had to know.

“Why do you think it’s fear?” Mom was angry at the insinuation, but I couldn’t let this go anymore.

“Why do hate any other person of other faith than your own? Especially the ones that seem SO different, and yet SO SIMILAR to your own!” And I made my side clear, to her. The last sentence had been a point of contention for years between us. She had lectured me for a while about “leaving the church” and my “moral duty as a Christian…..”

She always had trouble calling me a Christian, though.